Before renewing your Car insurance, have a look at these 5 tips.

5 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Car Insurance  

Review Prices

One of the most effective ways to lower the cost of your auto insurance is to shop around for the cheapest prices. 

Choose a no-claim bonus 

You are qualified for this incentive if it has been a full year since your last claim. 

Insurance companies offer renewal premium discounts of up to 50% as a no-claims incentive. 

Search for special offers 

There are a number of discounts that could help you pay less for your auto insurance, which may surprise you. 

Buy insurance packages 

Bundling refers to purchasing two or more insurance policies from the same insurer in a single transaction. 

Before purchasing, compare the features. 

Get quotes for the same type of policy from additional insurance companies, and compare the extras they each offer.