Friends, the government has started a very important campaign called Making India and Digital India and it is also benefiting the country and the countrymen. In the last few months, the government has banned many Chinese applications in its country. Now the government has decided to provide absolutely free cloud service to the countrymen. Taking this initiative, the government has created Digiboxx. With its help, you can save all your important data on the cloud absolutely free of cost and can easily access it from anywhere when needed. The most special thing about Degree Box is that it is an Indian cloud service, which means that the data saved by us will be safe inside the country and not outside the country. In today’s important article, we are going to provide complete complete information on this subject to all of you.
What is Digibox
Digibox is such a cloud service, where all Indian people can keep all their types of data safe on Indian cloud servers absolutely free of cost and it has been launched by NITI Aayog of India itself. For the last few months, there were reports of leaking data of Indians and that is why the government has released this important initiative on its behalf. Many applications have also been completely banned in our country and Digibox was created as an alternative to the same and to provide complete privacy protection to Indians. On this you can access your every one from anywhere. You can upload any type of data and download it easily from anywhere if needed. At present, it has been launched only in the web version, it has not yet been launched for Android or iOS users. If you want to take advantage of its service, then you will need the help of a web browser on your computer, laptop or mobile. You have to access it from and only then you will be able to use it.
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How to use Digiboxx
Friends, to use it, you have to first create your account in it and only then you will be able to use it absolutely free of cost. Let us know, how to create an account in Digibox and use it, whose information is as follows below.
First of all, you have to go to the web portal of Digibox and open its home page.
To create an account here, you have to enter some of your personal details and email ID.
Now after this you have to login to the official website.
After logging in, you can upload any type of data here and save it and also download it if needed.
You will get the facility of free data storage up to 20 GB here.
In this way, you can easily create an account in Digibox and you can use it.
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Benefits of using Digiboxx
The biggest advantage of using Digibox is that it keeps our data safe in our country only. Apart from this, there are different benefits in the form of personal and business and read its detailed information below.
Personal benefits of using it :-
In this you get your own safe and secure inbox.
Here you can keep your file safe by uploading it through mobile phone also.
If you want to directly share your file or photo or video with someone else, then here you get a great option of instant share and you can use it as per your requirement.
Here you can keep all your important documents safely at one place.
Here you can save your documents in different formats, such as PDF,
In PPT, DOC, EXCEL, MP3, MP4 etc.
Benefits of using it in the field of business: –
Here you get the facility of creating digital data folders to keep your business related documents safe.
You also get the facility to manage custom, workflow and approval systems here.
You can easily access the data related to your business from anywhere and share it whenever required.
You can share your important files in it immediately through instant share.
You can also easily manage the data used by your business team.

How much does Digiboxx cost (Pricing)
If you want to use it for free, then only 20 GB of storage facility is easily available to you in the free plan. You can upload a file of maximum 2GB here and Gmail integration is also available in it and it is also very secure.
If you want to save data in Badi Mata, then if you need 1tb storage, then you will have to pay a fixed fee of Rs.30 for this. By taking this type of plan, only you will be able to use it, but you will also be able to use the option of instant file sharing in it. In this, you get integration of Gmail and you can save any file up to a maximum of 10GB. This type of plan is a very good option for anyone working in the field of personal work and freelancing.
If you need even more storage, you can get up to 25 TB of storage for a flat fee of Rs 999. In this type of plan, about 500 users can easily access simultaneously. You can upload any file up to 10GB at a time in this. In this type of plan, the facility of realtime support is also provided to the consumers. In this, after sharing the file, you get a good option to decide the option of how long to deactivate Uday.
Although Gmail also gives you up to 15GB of storage for free, but this is not enough for people who want to save a lot of data. But at the same time, using Digibox, almost users get up to 20GB of storage absolutely free of cost. Apart from this, you can upload any file on this platform and share it easily with anyone if you need it. . If your file is no longer usable, you can delete it from there if needed and create your own space.
The Government of India has created Digibox keeping in mind the privacy of its citizens and to ensure that no data is leaked outside the country. Now you can feel free to use it and keep your data absolutely secure. And this very good option has also become available for the Indians at present.

Q: What is Digibox?
ANS :- In this, any person can keep any type of data in a very secure form as and when required.
Q: Who launched Digibox?
ANS :- It was launched by the Policy Commission of the Government of India.
Q: How many GB of data can we keep safe in Digibox for free?
ANS :- Up to 20GB.
Q: Why was busybox launched in India?
ANS :- Indians get the facility of Indian cloud service and there can be no risk of data leaking with any other country or other person by uploading the data here.
Q: Can Digibox be used for personal and business purposes?
ANS :- Yes, of course you can use it in the field of personal and business as and when required.