Hyderabad or Vizag.. Where to buy land in these two cities is good. Where is the highest return on investment? Which city has more advantages in terms of money and space? The details are for you.
Hyderabad is a developed city. Vizag is a developing city. Which of these two cities will be more profitable to invest in? How are the land rates in Hyderabad? How are the rates in Vizag? Why do you think Hyderabad and Vizag are compared? Despite the separation of Telugu states, many people from AP are working in Hyderabad. They are staying in rented houses here. Some people have bought flats and are living in them. But when you want to invest the money in places, is Hyderabad better? Or hometown beta? Doubt will come. Any such doubts can be cleared.

The land rates in Hyderabad are higher as compared to Vizag. It is difficult for the middle class to buy. Even if you buy, you won’t get much profit. There are also areas in Hyderabad where land rates are low. But far from the city. Investors say it works with distance. But in terms of investment and returns it seems better to invest in Vizag than in Hyderabad. Jubilee Hills, Hi-Tech City, Madapur areas will have yards in lakhs. In other areas the yard is Rs. Not less than 50 thousand. Rs. 50 lakhs, but 100 yards of land is not available. For the same price, you can get a plot of 600 yards in AP.
A square foot in Parawada in Vizag is Rs. 950 is pronounced. That means per yard Rs. 8,550. Rs. 9 thousand, Rs. Yard space can be found in the range of 10 thousand. That means one cent space is Rs. 4 lakhs above. 3 cents of free space is enough for a family to stay Rs. 12 lakhs will be. Rs. 12 lakhs for 20 km to Vizag. In Paravada, which is far away, the land is 3 cents. If you want to buy a place in Hyderabad with this money, you have to go 50, 60 km from the city. have to go Yard near Nimz in Sangareddy Rs. 7 thousand, Rs. 8 thousand are in range. Apart from here, in other areas, wherever you look, the cent is Rs. Not less than 20 lakhs. All Rs. Above 20 lakhs. If luck is good, somewhere in a corner Rs. 12 lakhs can get a place for 3 cents. That too somewhere in the corner of the city.

It is not known how much the rates will increase. If it is heavy, it will not grow. Even if a house is built and given for rent, there is no comfort. Even if there is a pony, the daily journey becomes difficult. Better to buy in Parawada which is nearer to Vizag. Paravada is not the only area.. Areas like Sabbavaram, Duvwada, Lankalapalem, Anandapuram, Madhurawada, Achyutapuram, Kapuluppada, Sonthyam, Dakamarri have good profits. Compared to Hyderabad, you get more space at a lower price. Also more profits will come. If you get 100 yards of land in Hyderabad for 50 lakhs, you get 576 yards of land in Vizag for the same 50 lakhs. Where is 100 yards.. Where is 576 yards? Will Vizag remain the same forever? Now a yard in Paravada is Rs. 8,550 to Rs. It is in the range of 10 thousand.
20 km to Vizag. is far away. Vizag will not take much time to develop in the Hyderabad range. Then the land rates in Vizag will increase tremendously. So investing in Vizag land is better than investing in Hyderabad land. In some places in Kukat Pally, Hyderabad, the yard is Rs. 50 thousand.. in Madhurawada, Pothinamalaya and Srinivasanagar areas of Vizag, the yard is Rs. Saying 68 thousand. If these rates are developed only marginally, if this is the case, if they are fully developed, these rates will increase greatly. Vizag is developing as a smart city. Vizag is going to be a big destination for AP. As Hyderabad is for Telangana, Vizag is also going to be crucial for AP. So no matter how you look at it, investing in places in Vizag will bring high profits. There is satisfaction in terms of space and money. You can own more space with less investment.