Special Tricolor Dhokla Recipe : Ingredients, dhokla recipe Preparation method

Special Tricolor Dhokla Recipe : Ingredients, dhokla recipe Preparation method

(Tricolor Dhokla Recipe, Dhokla Recipe, dhokla recipe Preparation method, Dhokla Recipe Ingredients) Special Tricolor Dhokla Recipe : While the Republic Day celebrations are in full swing, all the children share candies. Let’s honor the national flag against this backdrop by creating tricolor dishes that represent the flag’s colors today. In North India, dhoklas are typically … Read more

Makar Sankranti Special Bhogichi Bhaji, Tilachi Bhakri

Makara Sankranti Special Bhogichi Bhaji, Tilachi Bhakr

  It is a bit like the Gujarati Undhiyo but uses a different combination of cold season vegetables. For a rich, earthy flavor, the vegetables are cooked in a paste made of coconut, sesame seeds, and ground peanuts. It should be eaten with Tilachi Khakri, a bajra flatbread garnished by sesame seeds. Bhogichi Bhaji and Tilachi Bhakri Serves: … Read more