Difference Between Nifty And Sensex

The stock market fluctuates a lot and is unpredictable. The variations are the outcome of several factors. Economic indexes consider these factors and present a comprehensive overview of the condition of the world’s financial exchanges and economies. After closely observing the indexes, investors when making sane investment judgments.

We examine the stock index when we need to make an overall market direction prediction.

Some indexes reflect market dynamics or investor sentiment on all the global stock markets. The indices are what average investors look to when they want to know the market’s direction. Indices that move either downward or upward signify an optimistic or pessimistic trend.

Nifty, Sensex are significant stock indexes in India that measure or represent the health of the financial markets.

The top 30 businesses of the Bombay Stock Market (BSE) make up approximately 62% of the gratis market value of the most significant equity market indices, known as the Sensex.

In contrast hand, Nifty comprises stocks from the 50 largest businesses listed here on the NSE (National Stock Exchange), which accounts for around 62% of the total Capitalization of the Index’s gratis securities. 

Index: Definition

An index indicates the equity market’s quality and shows the state’s financial trends. Whenever an intraday value increases, the share market is thought to be doing well, signalling promising market indicators for the nation. The share market of Nifty, Sensex is believed to be doing poorly when it declines, signalling terrible financial tendencies for the country.

Market professionals cannot calculate every traded commodity’s profitability to identify the overall market including Nifty, Sensex. Due to a large number of selected securities and the fact that by the time the computation was complete, the market dynamics might have altered, this would be both moment and impracticable.

A sizeable proportion of publicly traded companies from each industry is chosen via an algorithm. It consists of the survey as a whole as the indicator. It is comparable to selecting a few fruits from the sack rather than the entire store because that would be sufficient to determine whether the fruits are usually excellent. The businesses included in this selection of publicly traded corporations are referred to as selected stocks of Nifty, Sensex.


The Bombay Stock Exchange’s Index of stocks is called Sensex and is referred to as the Sensitive Index (BSE). The business stock index known as the “Sensex” has a base value of 100 and comprises assets from the top 30 well-known corporations based on their results and economic security.

Additionally, the indicator’s value correlates directly with the success of the 30 chosen stocks because the Sensex is generated using the gratis market capitalization approach.

Complimentary market capitalization is the percentage of all assets issued by corporations that are easily tradeable by the public at large in the market. In the free-float market capitalization technique, the Index represents the value of each of the 30 chosen equities concerning a benchmark.


The National Share Market Nifty is the National Stock Exchange’s stock market index (NSE). It is maintained and owned by Indian Indices Solutions Ltd. (IISL), a division of NSE, and is also referred to as Nifty and CNX Nifty. It consists of 50 equities that are regularly traded on NSE. The Index’s starting value is 1000, and the gratis share price compensated technique is used to calculate it.

Difference between Nifty and Sensex:

Nifty means for National Stock Exchange Nifty and is a stock market index of NSE, whereas Sensex is for the Stock Exchange Sensitive Index and is a stock index for BSE.NSE Indexes Ltd., a division of the NSE, runs Nifty. 

Sensex’s base iterator is 100, whereas Nifty’s base score is 1000. On the BSE and NSE, respectively, the Sensex index consists of 30 well-established corporations, while the Nifty Index consists of 50 leading companies.

 The (NSE)National Stock Exchange’s
flagship index is called the Nifty.
The (BSE)Bombay Stock Exchange’s
stock indices are the Sensex.
The Nifty market index is relatively younger, having been introduced in 1996.It was first created in 1986, making it India’s leading stock indices.
The terms “national” and “fifty” are combined to form the term “nifty.”The term “Sensex” is a combination of the terms “sensitive” and “index.”
  In contrast, the Nifty is more comprehensive and includes businesses from 24 diverse companies. This stock market index includes businesses from a total of 13 distinct industries.
The number 1000 serves as the starting value for the indexing computation.The computation of the indices starts with a base price of 100.
To calculate the Nifty, 1995 is used as the starting year.The foundation year used to calculate the Sensex is between 1978 and 1979.


Some of the vital market index in India are the Sensex and the Nifty. The momentum of the share market is reflected in both the Nifty and the very close Index. The main distinction between the Nifty, Sensex is that Nifty was created to gauge the productivity of 50 leading corporations, while Sensex was designed to measure that of 30 reputable businesses. In addition, the benchmark iterator for the Sensex is 100, whereas the baseline iterator for the Nifty remains 1000.


1. What are the primary distinctions between the Nifty and Sensex?

The amount of firms aggregated as a sample is the primary distinction between the Nifty, Sensex. Whereas Nifty examines 50 firms, Sensex only considers 30.

2. Nifty or Sensex: Which is better?

The indices Nifty, Sensex aid stock market participants in identifying the overall performance direction of the market. The main distinction is that whereas Nifty includes 50 companies, Sensex only contains 30.

Nifty is larger than Sensex because of the large number of engaged stock market participants, significant volatility, and aggressive selling and buying, although Sensex has been outperforming Nifty overall.

3. Calculating the Sensex and Nifty?

The standard consistency of 1,000 is used to calculate the Nifty. To calculate the performance index of Nifty daily, divide the market value by the base market capital multiplied by the base value of 1,000.

Formula: Market Capitalization = Equity Capital * Share Price

The following formula is used to calculate the valuation of the BSE Sensex after estimating the gratis market valuation:

Formula: Value of Sensex = (Total free-float market capitalization/ Base market capitalization)

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