Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand PM, Says She Will Resign Next month

Jacinda Ardern, the New Zealand Prime Minister, announced Thursday that she would resign next month.


She said, “For me, it’s time,” at a meeting of Labour Party members. “I don’t have enough fuel to last another four years.”


Ardern was elected prime minister of a coalition in 2017 and then led the centre-left Labour Party in a victory in an election three year later. She has seen both her party’s popularity and her personal popularity decline in recent polls.


She made her first public appearance since the summer recess of parliament a month ago.


Ardern stated that the next general elections will be held Saturday, October 14, and she would remain an electorate MP up to then.


She said, “I’m not leaving because I think we can’t win the next election,” but that she was staying because she believes we can and will.


Ardern stated that her resignation would be effective no later than February 7th, and that the Labour caucus will vote for a new leader January 22.


Grant Robertson, Deputy Prime Minister, stated that he wouldn’t be putting his name forward.


Ardern stated that there was no secret to her resignation.


“I am human. We give everything we have for as long as possible, then it’s time. It’s time for me.


“I’m leaving because I feel a lot of responsibility comes with this privileged job. It is your responsibility to determine if you are the right person for the job.

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